2008年3月8日 星期六

[公布] 20080308 new version has released.



我知道上一個版本有很多的 bugs, 因為時間的關係所以一直留在那裡. 今天剛好有時間, 所以把一些嚴重的 Bug 處理了一下.


[fixed] 新增的語音片段後, 使用者立即點選前面的語音片段後,會停止播放下一個片段
[fixed] 設定一秒鐘片段間隔, 一直 Repeat
[fixed] 片段循環勾選, 資料底端字串一直重複出現
[fixed] 當一個檔案的片段全部播放完畢, 聽力轟炸面版沒有指向第二個檔案
[modified] 移除重複功能的按鈕
[modified] 片段之間的空白秒數, 預設時間由 0 秒 -> 1 秒



I known that there are many bugs are unsolved in last version. Today, I just have a free time to fixed these mistakes.

The items are listed as following.
[fixed] If you setting up the section interval waiting time is 1 second, the player will repeat play the audio in infinite.
[fixed] If you clicked the section loop checked box, the status text will abnormal show the status.
[fixed] After adding some new audio sections, if you clicked the previous section, the EZLearn will stop play the next audio section. 
[modified] Remove some duplicated function buttons.
[modified] The default delay time between the audio sections is reset to 1 sec from 0 sec.
