2007年11月19日 星期一

[公布] 20071118 新版本發佈 ( Ver. 20071118 was released)

這次 EZlean 提供了錄音的功能,
- 從麥克風錄音: 讓你練習 speak 的能力
- CD 錄音
- 混音輸入
- line-in

當然了, 錄音的時間無限制.
錄音的格式目前只有支援 .wav.

如果覺得好用, 別忘了告訴我喔 ^_^

by Jing (井民全)

Now, the EZLearn is supported the audio record utility for you. You can use this new function to practice your speaking ability. Figure out what difference of your speaking from the standard speaker by EZLearn is available. However, the record utility is still on the early development age, so the record format "wav" is only supported. If you found any bug, please report it to me, thanks.

What device can be recorded?
- Mic phone
- CD player
- Mixer input
- Line-in audio

There is no time limited under record.


by Jing